The Buzbee Family Arabian Vacation

Saudi Arabia

April 2000

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Along the way we had enough of a layover
in Frankfurt to see some sights

Tom and Laura after arriving at
John and Sally's

Judi and Sally wearing the latest Saudi Fashion

At "The Edge of the World"

Sinking sun

Tom, Judi and Laura looking over the edge

Night-vision shot. We left the Edge of the World and preceded to get
stuck 20 miles from the nearest road. We settled in for a long night
but were suprised to find assistance from a Saudi just after midnight.

The desert is a harsh environment

Water... Water!

Judi in the desert



Tom John and Laura

Judi at the camel Souq


Tom, looking like he's done this all his life

Tom and Jim

Emma attracting attention from a local at the camel souq

Unloading a camel at the Souq

Tom and John near an ancient caravan route.
You can see the old switch-back's for the camels in
the background near John's hand.

Jim and Tom

Laura among the ruins of an ancient village

Judi showing the proper attire for tent dining

Sally, Emma and Judi enjoying the Embassy pool

Laura with John and Emma

Tom in the desert

Our 1998 trip to Germany is here
Our 1999 trip to England and France is here

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