Tumblin' Text
I'll call this release 1.0, and date it June 22, 1996.
It's copyrighted (c) by Jim Buzbee. It's also freeware. Feel free to use it
for any use.
Let's look at the applet. Here's a list
of the applet tag parameters. Many can be overridden by
commands in the command file, but the applet tag sets the initial
state. I think most also have reasonable defaults :
- file -- name of file on server for commands
- X -- X position for text
- Y -- Y position for text
- lc -- Loop Count, how many times to loop before re-reading file
- wd -- Word delay, delay in milliseconds between words
- td -- Tumble delay, delay in milliseconds between "tumbles"
- yr -- Y Rotation flag, true or false
- xr -- X Rotation flag, true or false
- zr -- Z Rotation flag, true or false
- font -- Hershey font name
- fg -- Foreground color in hex i.e. 00FF00
- bg -- Background color in hex i.e. FFFFFF
- charsize -- Character size 1.0 is normal
- charwidth -- Character Line width 1 is default
- url -- URL to go to when applet clicked
Look at my the source for my
demo for an example.
OK, now for the command file syntax. Each line of the file is a single
text animation. The line consists of an optional parameter portion,
followed by the text to display. The settings from one line, i.e. rotation,
will carry over to the next line if they are not overridden on that line.
Here's an example :
{ fg =ff0000 xr= true zr = true yr=false }For
The parameter portion is enclosed in braces {}. The foreground color is
set to red, we will rotate about the x and z axis, we will not rotate
about the y axis. The text to display is "For". There are two special
text strings recognized, DATE and HOST. They must be enclosed in angle
brackets ( I don't know how to get them in a html file ). These strings
will be
translated to the current date/time and the host name the applet is
running on. To see the command file
for my example, look at
Here is a list of the command file settable parameters. The descriptions
are the same as the applet tag parameters ( these are case sensitive ):
- xr
- yr
- zr
- x
- y
- url
- file
- wd
- td
- fg
- bg
To use this applet, download the
TumblinText class along with the hershey font class and desired font(s).
See my Hershey Font page for instructions.
I have everything you need in an on-line zip file.
Here's the TumblinText
Any Questions comments or problems,
Drop me a line
Tumble on back.
Jim Buzbee